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Technology Training
for Afghan Girls

A 2021 UNESCO report on Afghanistan stated that 49% of the nation's education financing came from external aid. The recent withdrawal of global support is "harming learners' possibilities, particularly those of girls." Currently, many girls above 6th grade lack access to education. Many girls who are able to attend school don't have access to technology and therefore lack basic computer literacy. Afghan girls need access to education. Computer literacy will open doors for future online learning.
AAFF partners with Afghan communities to offer additional educational opportunities in computer training for up to 1,000 Afghan girls a year. AAFF accomplishes this by partnering with Afghan communities to offer free computer training courses to Afghan girls in 2 public schools in Northern Afghanistan. AAFF employs Afghan female teachers, some of whom are previous graduates of the course, to teach the next generation of girls the vital skills of computer literacy.
Computer training equips Afghan girls to seek other online learning options to enhance their education at a time when educational opportunities are limited. Offering girls opportunities in computer training contributes to decreases in early marriage rates which improves girls' health and increases their ability to have employable skills. Enhancing girls' education has long-term benefits for their communities as girls make valuable contributions to the development of their community and nation.
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